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Mars explorer on campus Friday

Jan 30, 2013  Original Page

Geology professor Dr. John Grotzinger, lead scientist for the Mars Curiosity expedition, will be in Beloit Friday to discuss his research and discoveries on the red planet and receive the Roy Chapman Andrews Society’s Distinguished Explorer Award. Grotzinger will receive the award and talk about his work Friday (Feb. 1) at 4:30 p.m. in Eaton Chapel. The event is free, and open to all.

After a long journey and a complex and nerve-wracking landing, the SUV-size Curiosity is exploring Mars and making new discoveries every day. It is now scooping up dirt samples, using X-rays and lasers to identify the minerals in Martian soil. It is also starting to analyze the Martian air and will soon start drilling into rocks as it drives to a mountain that is almost three-and-a-half miles high.

The one-ton Curiosity has been described as “a six-wheeled geochemistry lab and the most sophisticated machine ever sent to another planet.”

Updates on Curiosity are posted on the Mars Science Laboratory website and on Curiosity’s Twitter feed, @MarsCuriosity. You can also see a video about Curiosity, including interviews with Grotzinger, here. You can also find radio interviews with Grotzinger on Wisconsin Public Radio and WCLO here.

While on campus, Grotzinger will also visit Carl Mendelson’s Planetary Geology class, and earlier on Friday he’ll stop by Beloit Memorial High School.


Beloit Daily News


Mars mission chief to receive award in Beloit


The chief scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission will be visiting a Roscoe company that manufactures parts for the Mars rovers on Thursday before being honored with an award at Beloit College Friday.

Dr. John Grotzinger will receive a tour of Forest City Gear by the heads of the company, Fred and Wendy Young.

Seventy-five gears made at Forest City Gear were used on NASA’s Curiosity rover landed which landed on Martian soil in August of 2012. The company also built gears for the Spirit and Opportunity rovers that landed in 2004 on the red planet.

Grotzinger is this year’s recipient of the Roy Chapman Andrew Society’s Distinguished Explorer Award. During the award presentation on Friday, he will give a lecture titled “Mars Science Laboratory Mission: First Results.” The presentation, which is free and open to the public will take place at 4:30 p.m. in Eaton Chapel located on the Beloit College campus, 700 College St. Earlier that day he will discuss his work with area youth in an assembly at Beloit Memorial High School.

For more information on Dr. Grotzinger’s visit to Beloit, go towww.roychapmanandrewssociety.org.

Grotzinger will discuss his research and discoveries on the red planet. After a long journey and a complex and nerve-wracking landing, the SUV-size Curiosity is exploring Mars and making new discoveries every day. It is now scooping up samples and using X-rays and lasers to identify the minerals in Martian soil. It is also starting to analyze the Martian air and will soon start drilling into rocks as it drives to a mountain that is almost three-and-a-half miles high.

Grotzinger is a geologist who studies the early history of Earth and other planets. He’s a professor of geology at the California Institute of Technology. Before moving to Caltech he was professor of earth sciences and director of the Earth Resources Laboratory at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

The presentation marks the second time the Beloit-based organization has celebrated explorations on Mars. In 2006, the Roy Chapman Andrews Society recognized the work of Dr. Steve Squyers, principal investigator for explorations conducted using the twin rovers Spirit and Opportunity.

For information about reserved seating at the award ceremony and tickets for a celebratory dinner with Dr. Grotzinger, contact the Roy Chapman Andrews Society at 608-514-1722 or at www.roychapmanandrewssociety.org.


Rockford Register Star

Chief scientist of Mars mission John Grotzinger to visit Roscoe

Updated Jan 22, 2013 @ 04:26 PM  Original Page

The chief scientist for the Mars Science Laboratory Mission will visit Forest City Gear in Roscoe on Jan 31.

John Grotzinger will take a tour of the Roscoe company, which manufactures parts for the Mars rovers with Forest City owners Fred and Wendy Young.

Grotzinger will receive this year’s Distinguished Explorer Award from the Roy Chapman Andrew Society in Beloit, Wis.

He will give a lecture that is free and open to the public called “Mars Science Laboratory Mission: First Results,” in the Eaton Chapel on the Beloit College campus, 700 College St., 4:30 p.m. Feb. 1.

For more information on Dr. Grotzinger’s visit to the state-line, go towww.roychapmanandrewssociety.org.


Stateline News Explorer Award Recipient to Tour Roscoe

Jan 27, 2013

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