Historical Marker Dedication
The legacy of Beloit’s hometown explorer, Roy Chapman Andrews will be honored with the dedication of an official Wisconsin State Historical Marker on the Rock River, scene of some of Andrews’ earliest adventures.
Join us for the dedication of the Roy Chapman Andrews historic marker
September 5th at 5:30 p.m.
South side of Turtle Island Playground.

Historic marker readied for dedication on September 5, 2014
The public is invited and encouraged to come in appropriate explorer garb.
The Andrews marker is a joint project of the Roy Chapman Andrews Society and the Beloit Parks and Recreation department, in coordination with the Wisconsin Historical Society.
It will be Beloit’s sixth state historical marker, after those at Beloit College, near Morgan Elementary School (for Wisconsin’s first aviator), downtown at the Rock River Heritage Walkway (for Turtle Village and Black Hawk), and at the I-90 tourist information center (one for the Black Hawk War and one for the Medal of Honor).